Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dawson Creek, BC

We are at the Mile 0 RV Park. A really nice campground with grass and trees but they turn off the internet by 8 so there was no update yesterday. Not too much to report. Many hours driving through the "drunken forest", those stunted black spruce that grow every which way. That gave way to farm land. Lots of hills today, 6-10 % grades to chug up. We knew we were getting to civilization when we had a rest area with flush toilets rather than our favorite pit toilets. Close to Dawson Creek there were acres of fields with yellow flowers, think Wizard of Oz-poppies. Very pretty but have no idea what it was. It is in the books, we have driven the entire AlCan highway. We are at the beginning and Fairbanks was the end. Took us about 5 or 6 days. We will rest here again. Very hot and humid. The locals are not happy and we aren't thrilled either. We went from running the furnace in Fairbanks to running the air non stop. Nice breeze today with t-storms predicted. More wild fires a possibility without some rain soon. Fire bans are all over, things are way too dry and this wind will only fan any fire that starts.

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