Saturday, July 23, 2011


Another campground advertising WiFi when it is a hot spot that doesn't work.  Have spent the last half hour trying to get this to work.  This is the best I can do.  Will try again tomorrow.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I had planned on two posts tonight.  I had one all done and ready to go but it wouldn't save or post and then just disappeared into cyberspace.  I then tried to redo it but the pictures wouldn't load.  I restarted the computer.  First pic gave me a server error, four loader then I got a security error and then another server error.  I give up, it is now after 10 and I am going to bed.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Another busy day.  Took the shuttle bus in town today.  Our driver took us on a mini tour.  We took a two hour steamboat cruise on the Natchez.  It is a paddle boat powered by steam.  On the left is St Peter's Church in the French Quarter.  There can be no buildings higher than the  church.  The streets in the French Quarter are only 39 feet wide.  Makes for some pretty tight traffic patterns. 
View of New Orleans from the Natchez.  Domino Sugar factory, not sure if it is still operational.

View of the River Walk from the Mississippi.  A new cruise ship dock is being added to access the shops.
We did a Super City Tour in the afternoon.  The highlight for me was the stop at the cemetery.  The sign at the entrance.

 A few shots of the above ground tombs.  These were all under a couple feet of water during the Katrina aftermath.  Would have loved to spend more time poking around.  There are actual walking tours but it is so hot and humid that we just can't take it.

 A couple of tombs from the early 1800's. 
Lake Pontchartrain, it is huge with a causeway that crosses over it.  If I remember correctly the guide said it was like 18 (or 24) miles long.

We went down the parade route.  The tree on the left is a myrtle tree with beads hanging and on the  right is a live oak, again with many beads hanging.

Our driver this morning took us through the Garden District and pointed out celebrity houses.  He showed us Sandra Bullock's, John Goodman's and a couple that Nicholas Cage bought but lost due to unpaid taxes.  Also saw Anne Rice home she bought but never lived in and the one she grew up in.  There is a great deal of re building going on.  Thousands of people have never returned to New Orleans (making Baton Rouge the largest populated city in Louisiana) and many businesses have failed or not rebuilt.  One notable one is a Borders that stands empty.  Didn't walk as far today but did manage to get to Cafe du Monde for coffee and beignets.  Swamp and bayou tour tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Orleans River Walk

 We braved the insane traffic and went downtown today. 
Walkway to the River Walk.
View of the Mississippi from walkway.
Another view of the River.
Went to the Aquarium and an IMAX movie.

 Walkway along the River.
Jean Lafitte National Historic Park in the French Quarter, had to get a stamp for my passport.

Views of Bourbon Street.  Pretty quiet during the day.

 Jazz Park.
Lunch, Owen had a beef po' boy and fries and I had red beans and rice soup and sausage.

Coffee and biegnets before heading back to the kampground.

Long day today but lots of fun.  It was still pretty warm and humid.  When we get back to 70's we are going to freeze.  We walked just shy of 6 miles.  There is just so much to see and do I'm pretty sure we will leave and not have seen a fraction.  Did some laundry tonight and booked tours for the next couple of days.  We will take the shuttle bus into town for those.  Another long day so to bed early.

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Orleans West KOA

Visitors this morning as we sat outside.  They stayed until we got ready to leave.  Picture of swamp.

Another view of the swamp and the bridge going over it.  The bridge was built in or over the swamp and is 18 miles long.

Nice kampground.  Great pads so there is no leveling involved.  It is quite large and surrounded by thick green grass.

Another pic of our camper and the apple tree that is beside us.


The day started great.  It was cool enough to sit outside.  Only in the low 80's still humid but a nice breeze blowing.  We watched the turtles "climb" the fallen tree.  Just a FYI the highest elevation in Louisiana is around 500 feet with the average around 90.  We were below sea level a couple of times.  The area is lush green almost tropical.  We drove through a thunder storm with teeming rain for a good part of the drive.  Crossed the Mississippi River again and over Lake Pontchartrain.  Nothing too exciting today, had to do a Wal Mart run to get food.  We will be staying here until Friday morning.  Had planned on only three days but there was a deal to get a free night with three so we took it.
Internet is marginal at best.  Not sure if it is just a hot spot or if it keeps going in and out whatever the issue it is very annoying.  Hope all the pics publish.  Tomorrow....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bye, bye Texas; hello Louisiana

Left Texas behind today.  Did see a coyote jogging along the highway on our way out of town this morning. 
Scary bridge, Fred Hartman Bridge that crossed the Houston Boat Harbor.  A view of the harbor.

We are at the Lafayette KOA.  It is a really beautiful place.  We have a lot right on the lake.   It was actually cool enough to sit outside for a bit this afternoon.  Only here overnight so didn't unhook from the truck.

Doesn't seem to be a drought here in Louisiana.  The closer we got the more lush and green the area became.  It was a nice change from the refineries and building construction going on in Texas.  No more ocean but many swamps/bayous.  Short drive tomorrow, staying just outside of New Orleans for the next four days.  See you there.