Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bellingham, WA

Guess who had to include this pic?

The art museum was the old town hall.

Went into town today and wandered around. Great town for pedestrians. Very bicycle friendly. Bike lanes are well used by all age groups. American Museum of Radio and Electricity was one stop. Had planned on an art museum but it didn't open until noon so went there instead. Lots of old radios, juke boxes, phones etc. Back when radios were pieces of furniture. Pretty park down by the water front with some sort of lily. Picked up our tickets for the ferry. We will be out of touch for the next few days.

The weather ?

Friends & Family , I'm sorry I took all the good weather with us, I'll bring it back in Sept-Oct. Here's some more pics of the 1197 we have on file..Need to get another memory card just for Alaska. Enjoy. O& Jo

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bellingham, WA

We're in Bellingham RV Park our last stop in the lower 48. Another white knuckle drive, at least it wasn't a long drive. A few pics of the park. We drove toward another mountain, Mt Baker, again visible from our RV park. Place is jam packed, I think it's the only place in town.

Mt Rainier, WA

Sign on our hiking trail. Nice kitty.

On the hike above the falls.

The road to Paradise. Above the car just at the tree line is where the road continued after looping around.

On the snow field in Paradise.

Mt Rainier, WA

Perfect day to view the mountain. Not a cloud in the sky. Took a hike up to a waterfall, it was very steep but well worth the walk. We went to Longmire and Paradise, just a very small part of the park. Many of the roads were not open yet due to snow. Some don't open until August. When we parked the truck at Paradise a man in the next vehicle asked if we bought the truck in Bangor. He was a policeman from Waterville that was doing some training with the National Guard in the area, such a small world. The views are unbelievable. Many waterfalls, some right along the road and some you have to hike to find. The drive through the park is mostly tree lined. Even the trees are amazing, they are huge and so incredibly straight! We did see a couple of deer. Only one posed for us, the raccoon we saw didn't stop. We also tried to take a picture of a bird, some kind of cobalt blue crested jay, he flew off just as we took the picture so it didn't come out. Off to Bellingham tomorrow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Puyallup, WA

Head on a platter, swans and ducks from the glass museum.

I know you will all be jealous of our day today. I did laundry and Owen got the oil changed and tires rotated on the truck. Didn't I say you'd be jealous :-) The truck appointment was right in the middle of the day so that took care of today. I did start the oven and baked a cake. Hope to get to the mountain tomorrow.

Reply to Anon

To our anonymous poster (was that you Markie?) Yes and it was very loud the locals thought the mountain was erupting :-)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Puyallup, WA

The hot shop. I thought she looked like Dawn Louise;-)

Working on a part of the ethanol still, another piece in the foreground.

We watched the resident artists create a piece of an ethanol still and parts of a weather zeppelin, upper right hand picture.

Puyallup, WA

View from the street of hot shop on right and bridge. Art work on the bridge.

Ceiling of the bridge is all glass ware, dishes, bowls and glasses.

Went to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma today. It included a bridge of glass and a hot shop where you can watch the artists at work.

A reminder

Friends and family, It seems some think you have to join the blog to leave a comment, I have it set up that you don't. All you have to do is click on the 'comments' link at the end of any posts and comment away. using anonymous if you wish or signing your name somewhere in the comment. Also don't forget that the pictures are 'Click to enlarge' for your viewing pleasure..Hope to here more comments as we get in to the heart of our journey.

Enjoy! O & JO