Friday, July 1, 2011

Last of the pics

 These are my favorites.  He is a Steller's Jay.  We had seen one on our previous trip but couldn't get a picture.  This guy posed for us.  A beautiful shade of blue and the crested head which is black make him a very pretty bird.

 We went up the trail about a quarter mile.  It was all up hill and before lunch so we didn't make it up to the lake.  It was only a half mile one way but the elevation and steepness was too much for us today.  We did walk 3.5 miles. Didn't want to have to carry a certain someone down the mountain.

Still more pics

 Another hike, this one about a mile around Bear Lake.  Not as easy as the first and yes there was still quite a bit of snow on the trail.

More pics

 A very pleasant walk around Sprague Lake.  Only about a half mile around.

Chipmunk begging for food.  They are friendly and will come right up to you.

Just photos

First pic has a young elk right in front of the red car on the left.  Didn't get the camera out soon enough.  He was right at the entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park.  Water is running high right now with snow run off and rain.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Estes Park

 The town limits sign.  All in the area are similar to this one.  Next couple are just scenery from the sign area.  Lots of crazy tourists there.  Feeding turkeys and chipmunks like you can't do that just about anywhere.

Again a pic of the Rockies from the town limit and of the town of Estes Park as you drive into the town.

In case you missed the picture on FB this is the Stanley Hotel.  It is an actual working establishment.  There is a gate house to keep pesky tourists out, (we did try) but could have parked for $5.  We decided to just take a couple from the street using a zoom lens.  In case the hotel doesn't look familiar, it is the model for the Overlook in the King book The Shining.  This is my all time favorite SK book so I am excited to see it.  The highlight of the day! 
Today was a shopping day.  Not our favorite thing to do but a necessary evil.  Owen didn't bring any dress shoes for the wedding and I needed a dress to wear so off to the mall we went.  We also went to the grocery store.  I know everybody is jealous....  Spent the rest of the day in the trailer b/c of huge thunder storms.  Major downpours lightning and loud thunder.  Supposed to clear tomorrow so until then...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Estes Park, CO

 A couple of photos of the view as we drove to Estes Park.  The Rockies are spectacular!  Lots of glaciers visible as well as the rocky peaks.  Winding road that went up, up, up.  We are around 7400 feet.  I get a little claustrophobic on the road.  Just don't like the hemmed in feeling with rocky walls on both sides of the truck but it is so gorgeous.

Another pic of the view as we drove to Estes Park.  The office,going to check in.

The truck peeking out around the big arks with the mountain overlooking our site.  View out of our window, that is Estes Park at the base of the mountain.

The board above our heads welcomes newcomers to the campground.  My name is there.  A little visitor to our site this evening.

The drive was uneventful and not very long.  We didn't have to leave early and we could take our time getting here.  It doesn't take much activity to get the heart beating due to the elevation.  Very warm when we arrived, it was in the 90's in Boulder but cooled to the 80's once we got here.  Thunder storm with high winds cooled it down to the 60's then the sun came out and it has been a very refreshing 71, humidity around 45%.  Raining again right now but supposed to be clear tomorrow.  Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Denver, CO

Went into Denver today after Skyping with Vivian and Mary.  We are only about 30 miles from downtown right now.  We were greeted by a brachiasauras (sp?) peeking at us as we got out of the elevator. Entrance to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

View out of the second floor window.  Left, the pink roof was once a boat house where you could rent boats to go out on the pond.  There is a great splash pad out on the lawn/walkway/garden.  You can see the Rockies on the horizon.  They are awe inspiring!  How the early explorers didn't run screaming in the opposite direction when faced with these is well beyond my comprehension.

This picture was in the Indian section and was the only mention of Penobscots.  Caption said she was Mary Frances and her son and that it was taken in 1926.  Is she in your files Carole?  The last photo today is of one of the cottonwood trees.  You can see the "cotton" hanging on the upper right branches.  An allergy sufferers nightmare.
The museum was incredible, one of the best we have seen.  Many dioramas with animals, and villages.  Looked like you could just walk right into them.  Also had a neat health exhibit.  We were given cards as we entered the display.  We registered our personal info and then used the cards on various stations.  One was an x-ray type screen showing internal organs, circulatory system, bones and muscles.  Another was comparing your arm span to your height, believe it or not they are both pretty much the same!  Sat outside reading when we got back and had a little bunny stop by to visit.  Very cute but wouldn't let me touch it.  Heading to Estes Park in the morning, see you there.