Saturday, June 27, 2009

Puyallup, WA

Peter and Patty's view from the deck.

Today was a family day. We went to visit with Bill, his son Peter and daughter-in-law, Patty. Bill looks great. He had a little surgery on Friday and was still recovering but did really well. I'm sure he is tired tonight. It was a wonderful visit with some special people.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Puyallup, WA

Easy day today. Not a long drive but a white knuckle one. Way too many cars on the highways and they were all in a hurry. Had to do some shopping for our ferry trip. There are no cabins available so we get to sleep on a lounge chair on the deck or on the floor in the heated solarium. We also have to "cap off" our propane so no refrigerator. We bought a cheap foam cooler for the three days on the ferry and a couple of flannel sleeping bag type things that roll real small. Nothing expensive just something to get us through the ferry. Also picked up a couple of back packs, can you believe we didn't pack ours. We had good luck at Big Lots and Kmart. This camp ground isn't the best we've stayed in, not a Good Sam's and it shows. Had to pay for Internet access and a for the key to the rest room which is pretty scary. Think we'll be using the potty and shower in the trailer while we are here. Tomorrow we are off to find Bill. Have an address but GPS is having trouble finding it. While out today I happened to look up and was startled to see Mt Rainer. It sort of looked like clouds at first glance. We hope to go there while here.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kelso, WA

Toutle River, Owen and friend.

Only 5,978 miles to home;-)

The Sediment Retention Structure and Toutle River.

A couple more pictures since I posted the same one twice. Should never do this when tired.

Kelso, WA


It's official, we take the ferry to Alaska on July 3. Today was productive, we booked the ferry and have our next two stops reserved. After that we played a bit. Went into town and found the Nutty Narrows Bridge, created to save squirrels from the busy street. Didn't see any on the bridge but it did crack us up. Sara and T, you would love it! Nearby was the squirrel statue. Both were by a really great park with walkways and commemorative statues for the settlers of Longview. We then went to Mount St Helens. The visitors center has every part of the eruption documented. Amazing what the eruption did to the area. Trees felled and looking like toothpicks tossed around. All along the road there are signs that tell when the trees were planted. It looks like nothing happened today. The Toutle River is still opaque looking because of the silt and ash. We didn't bother going to the summit since it was cloudy with off and on showers. We wouldn't have been able to see the crater so only went half way up. The Sediment Retention Structure was a bust. It was abandoned. We did walk to the look out but it was overgrown and we could barely see the wall. We could have walked to the wall itself but it was a mile one way and the weather was to iffy to do it. Sara, raccoon wouldn't pose so no picture. He scooted across the road so Dad wouldn't run him over ;-)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kelso, WA

Columbia River looking at WA from OR.

Brookhollow RV Park.

Travelled along the Columbia River today. This stretch of highway is on the trail that Lewis and Clark travelled. Hard to imagine these explorers traveling without the conveniences of today. Scenic and a nice change of pace. Had two more dams and lock systems on the way. Cottonwood trees are doing their thing right now. It looked like it was snowing for a while. It looks sort of like dandelion fluff but on a larger scale. We're closing in on Alaska :0) Still not sure about the ferry but it would save about 2000 miles of drive time. Still have a planned stop in Puyulap to see Bill, probably the end of this week. Brookhollow RV Park is quiet and green. We'll be here until Friday.

Hermiston, OR

Not a lot to do here in Hermiston. There was a neat dam, McNary. Very pretty. Held back Wallula Lake and flowed into the Columbia River. There was a lock on the other shore. Great park at the foot of the dam. There was a fish run with viewing windows. Saw a man catch a salmon--23 inches. Pelican lurking and hoping for a handout. Went to a wild life refuge, saw a couple of birds and a raccoon crossing the road.

Hermiston, OR

Pioneer RV Park

Our drive took us through rolling hills that looked like fuzzy deer antlers. We drove through a canyon that was pretty scary.
Did you miss us? Pioneer RV Park was having WiFi issues so we were out of touch for the last two days. We crossed the 45Th parallel today, half way between the equator and North pole. Guess which way we are heading? We traveled through the humpy bumpy/rolling hill type of mountain then had some snow capped ones. The only other thing of note were the many wind mills. They are everywhere out this way. Acres of farm land and irrigation of various types. Getting tired of cows.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Boise, ID

An older cell, what you see is the entire cell. Note little cubby hole to put the "bucket".

Trap door and then the "drop room"

Hook for noose and death row cell.

A few more pics from the jail. Death row and the gallows.

Boise, ID

Scary shivs.

Cell block
Showers and a sort of funny tomb stone.

Well today was a day of frustration. There was supposed to be a Sports Museum, must have moved because GPS took us to nothing. Couldn't find it so tried the zoo, that looked really lame so we passed on that. Tried the Historical Museum--closed! So out of desperation, I took Owen to a jail for Father's Day! It was a functioning jail until 1973 and is now a museum. Quite a place, pretty scary and definitely before the time of prisoners rights. Death row included a gallows! Hard to believe that four people resided inside of these cells. The pottys had a padded cover and back rest so they could be used as a chair. Some of the cells had original graffiti. There were other historical relics on site such as a history of firearms beginning with spears & swords and going through each war and how the weapons changed. Boise is not a town with lots to do we are having a hard time finding a place for dinner that isn't fast food. Cloudy and a bit chilly today, feels more like home:-)