Saturday, June 11, 2011

More pictures of Gettysburg

 National Cemetery, stones on right just have numbers.  This is also the site of the Gettysburg Address.

Maine monuments all had pine cone and tassel decoration. 

Re enactment camp at the monument below.  Cannons were everywhere as were the various monuments.

 PA monument, it lists all the names of soldiers involved in the battle.

For those who might not know this battle occurred over three days (July1-July 3, 1863) and is known as the greatest battle of the Civil War.  The Union had 23,00 casualties and the Confederate had 28,000.  It was the turning point of the War.

Gettysburg National Military Park

Today we traveled back to PA to visit Gettysburg.  When we first arrived we both thought it was a huge mistake.  Lots and lots of people and very tourist oriented.  We both changed our minds after spending 6 hours there.  These pictures are of a program/show using an actual oil painting that is over 300 feet.  While lighting up certain areas and playing battle sounds it becomes an immersion into an actual battle.  It gave us chills it was so realistic.  Everything about the site is amazing.  It had the auto tour like Antietam but this was bigger and better marked.  I will post again with more pictures. These were at the visitor center.  The last picture was after the storm when we returned "home".  It was right outside our door.  We hope this cools the air down though today was only in the 80's.  Tomorrow we travel and our next site only has a hot spot so it might be hit or miss with a posting.  Enjoy the pics.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Crystal Grottoes Caverns and Antietam

Today was a much cooler day--only 90.  We began the day at the Crystal Grottoes Caverns.  The owner was originally from Presque Isle, small world. The caves were 54 degrees and remain at that temp year round.  Some beautiful stalactites (hanging down) and stalagmites (growing up) formations.
We then went to Antietam National Battlefield.  It is the site of the "bloodiest one-day battle of the American Civil War".  The 3rd and 4th picture show the Sunken Road which is also called the Bloody Lane.  The casualties of war "were lying in rows like the ties of a railroad, in heaps like cordwood mingled with the splintered and shattered fence rails".  It is just so hard to imagine what that battle was like.  You follow a map along an 8.5 mile road stopping at various historical sites along the way.  The last pic shows just a couple of the monuments that are along the tour route.  Really made us wish we had paid more attention in school when we were taught about the Civil War.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Falling Waters, WV

Well hello again.  Not too much to report today.  A white knuckle drive.  Way too much road construction and way too many bad drivers.  We are at an out of the way campground, quite small but a good price with full hookups.  We are staying here for a couple of days.  The heat has been dreadfull.  It hit 97 this afternoon.  We don't even want to go out and explore because of the heat.  Of interest today, crossing the Potomac River and the Mason-Dixon line.  Hope to get out and about tomorrow, until then we will try to stay cool.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stroudsberg, PA

Hello Everybody.  We have officially started this road trip.  Left Old Town on Saturday but only went as far as Carl and Mary's.  Spent the weekend there visiting with Sara and T.  Went to the Roller Derby and some went to a Red Sox game on Sunday.  Carole and Mal spent the day with us on Saturday so we had a nice visit with family.  Monday morning we headed South and drove as far as Sturbridge MA.  Stayed at Jellystone Campground and went to Sturbridge Village.  There is a lot of tornado damage in the area, hence no internet while we were there.  Couldn't get pictures since the repair work is going on and equipment was along most roads.  Sturbridge Village sustained a little damage up in the farm area.  The tornado was narrow when it hit the village so the damage was much less than it could have been.  Today we drove to Stroudsberg, PA and are staying at the Mountain Vista Campground.  We will be here just over night then on to West Virginia where we will spend a couple of days.  Nothing to exciting to report, this is territory we have already traveled.  It has been very hot the last couple of days, 88 yesterday and 93 today.  Summer has arrived for us oh how we love our air conditioning.  Until tomorrow.