Saturday, May 16, 2009

Natural Bridge, VA day 3

Had a rather lazy day today. Drove the Blue Ridge Parkway. A very scenic road that took us off the beaten path at times. Road was very narrow, winding and high up in elevation. The Appalachian Trail crossed the highway at times. That was pretty neat to see the trail into the mountains and to know that there were people hiking along heading towards ME.
There were many overlooks that offered spectacular views. Many pictures of mountains and hollows (still not sure what that is).
Went into Roanoke to find Camping World. Had to pick up a couple of things to make our life easier ;-)
Weather is still warm with thunder storms threatening for tonight. Should be in the 60's tomorrow. It was upper 80's today so we'll probably freeze with the 20 degree drop.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Natural Bridge, VA--day 2

We actually went to the natural bridge today. It is an amazing thing to see. Owen's doc would be so proud of him, we walked 5 miles over the day. Also went to a wax museum and factory as well as a natural cavern. We were 36 floors under ground. It was a cool 54 degrees and stays that way year round.
The river that is running along our site is the James River. Still running very swift and a bit high. Nothing like the rivers in Maine. Very dirty looking, lots of mud.
All of the flowers are out, iris and peonies were two I noticed today. It started foggy and cloudy this morning but cleared to a wonderful 79 degrees. It is a balmy 69 as I type this.
The campground is filling up for the weekend. Many people around and lots of kids.
Not sure what we will do tomorrow. I would like to do something historical but we'll see what the day brings.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Natural Bridge, VA day 1

Well we began the day in the rain. Drove out of the rain and then had really strong winds. Made for lousy mileage. We spent the entire day driving uphill. Mile after mile of mountain road with very little going down. Beautiful country, farm land with many cows. All of the fields are ready to plant. It was in the upper 70's all day. We arrived at Yogi's campground around 6. Set up had dinner and have had a huge thunder storm right over head now for an hour or so.
Our site is right on a river, not sure what it is but will find out. The water is very swift and sounds wonderful. Bad part is the train tracks with trains zooming by on the other side of the river. Owen is deaf and I don't mind so it isn't that big of a deal I guess.

No pictures today. Will take a bunch tomorrow. We are ending the day as we began, in the rain ;-)

Edit post

Here's a few more pics of yesterday, I am attaching as small so as to save space and include more..The pics are of the kind "Click on pic to Enlarge". to see full size..
Packing up in the rain this morning heading to 'Natural Bridge.VA. Yogi Bear campground. For probably 4 nights to see the sights of Shenandoah National Park.Etc.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last day in PA

Our last day in PA. We went to a crayon discovery place. It was full of kids, not what we thought it was going to be, we had to act like kids which we managed quite well. Watched while red crayons and purple markers were made. We also got free samples of crayons, markers and modeling clay.
We also went to a museum devoted to wheels in America. Lots of bikes, carts, cars and trucks. Note a certain "kid" in the pictures.
Tomorrow we are off to Virginia. See you there.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday--day 2

Greetings from Pocono Raceway. A kind gentleman offered to take our picture and then we did a little tour of the track and our guide took another. From there we went to Mount Airy Casino. That was a trade off--Owen gets to go to the Casino and I get to go to Graceland :-) Haven't decided on what to do tomorrow. We'll let everybody know as soon as we know.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday-day one

Well we left the house at 8:30 am. Made many stops along the way to see how the load survived the bumpy roads. We are in Saylorsburg, PA at the Silver Valley Campsites. Got here about 7. No misadventures at all. The drive wasn't bad-easy for me to say since I just looked at the scenery and the maps. One stretch of 209 had many bugs, sounded like raindrops hitting the windshield. It was our kind of roads, very quiet and not a lot of traffic with great forests and brooks. Crossing the Hudson River was pretty and didn't freak me out especially since I'm not too fond of bridges. We will stay here for a couple of days, until Thursday, and visit a National Park or two in the area. No pictures today but will take some tomorrow. Talk to you tomorrow.

Just a note to let you know the time post is California time. It is 9:30 here in PA.

Day 1

We're Off, like a herd of turtles, See you in the funny papers..

On the road again..etc.

Later, O & Jo

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Next post will be on the road

OK , It's almost time to hit the road, hopefully first thing Monday Morning, The next post will be from who knows where, or whenever we have access to a Wi-fi hotspot..

Later, O & Jo