Saturday, July 9, 2011

Living Desert Zoo & Gardens State Park

 Today was another very warm day.  We went to this state park fairly early in the morning.  By noon time it was 100 degrees.  The panoramic is of the surrounding area of the park.  It sits on top of a chill and overlooks the town of Carlsbad.
 These are the bats leaving Carlsbad Caverns.  It is just a picture of a picture because you cannot take pictures of the real thing.  The noises confuse the bats so there is no photography allowed.  On the right, prong horn deer.

 Bison and another deer letting us know what he thought of us.  A lone house on top of the hill.

 Another view of the town from up high.  There were other animals but most were hidden in the bushes or a corner of their habitat.  Lots of snakes in glass enclosures (Owen's favorite ), wolves, prairie dogs, a variety of cats that were hiding when we were there, and many different birds.  All of the animals here are found in the Chihuahuan Desert.  It is sort of like the Gray Animal Farm in that the animals are here to rehab or are unable to survive in the wild.  All of the plants were labeled along the trail but I will never remember what they are called.  After we left here we went to our favorite home away from home Wal Mart to buy food.  To the caverns tomorrow, see you there.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Carlsbad, NM

A few views from the road today.  We stayed off the interstate and enjoyed back roads with little traffic.  It was miles and miles of nothing. I am still in love with the area and visualize lots of buffalo in the wide open range.  The third pic reminded me of a covered wagon.  It is really a water tank, but it could have been a wagon.  We did drive through some more burned areas.  And then some very lush green areas that used irrigation.  Also saw a couple dust devils.  One small and one quite impressive one.  Couldn't get the camera out in time to get a picture.  We also crossed the Pecos River, it was almost totally dried.  A couple of little puddles on the right and some cows drinking on the left.  Again we are in an area that is experiencing record heat.

 We stopped in the visitors center in Roswell and the lady insisted on taking a couple of pictures, this is one of them.

 UFO Museum at Roswell.  A bit of a disappointment.  Not sure what I expected but this wasn't it.  Even the gift shop was a bit lame.  There were some neat things such as the "alien" in the display case.  The "alien" on the gurney was a prop used in a movie about Roswell.

 This was the thermometer in the camper when we arrived at the campground around 4 this afternoon.  It was 106 out side and 102 inside the camper.  Oh so happy to have air conditioning!  It is around 9:30 right now and still 97 outside.  Who knew that we would consider that cool enough to be outside walking around. 

This is our little baby trailer parked beside a huge ark.  Hope it gives us a bit of shade.  Our campground info included a warning to watch out for "spiders, snakes, scorpions and skunks"  YIKES!  Given the options, we'll take the skunk, LOL.
We will be here for three days so until tomorrow....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Las Vegas, NM

 Today was a day of contrasts. We started with the lush mountains on the left.  At Raton Pass (7834 feet) right, the border between CO and NM, the trees were all burnt from the recent fires.  We then drove for miles with (next picture on the left) just pasture land and scrub brush for scenery.  We paralleled the Rockies for most of the way.

We are at a KOA in Las Vegas, NM.  Who knew there was another Vegas.

 We do have a couple of little trees on our site to help hide from the sun. It was in the 90's but with real low humidity.  Cooling off nice, it is low 80's and it is around 8pm.

 Picture on left is a good representation of what the landscape is like here.  Right is one of those windmills that you see on so many farms/ranches.

We did see quite a few deer in the pastures as well as cows and horses.  Saw a unique sign up by Raton Pass for bear crossing.  There is a fire ban in most of CO and here in NM, still very dry.  I-25 is the old Santa Fe Trail so that is neat and Route 66 ran right through this campground at one time.  Many big names lived here in the past, Doc Holliday, Jesse James, Billy the Kid and others I wasn't familiar with.  This KOA serves dinner so I didn't have to cook tonight, happy birthday to me.  Heading South again tomorrow, through Roswell so if you don't hear from us.....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Colorado City, CO

First four pics are from on the road today.  We went from rolling green hills to brown scrub brush.  The white rock was very pretty and really stood out along the highway. The monument is just below Pikes Peak in the pic with an Air Force base behind the fence.  Many planes and parachutists in the air.

We did see something we had never seen today--a dead snake on the side of the road.  It was belly up so don't know what kind but it was big.  O had the hebbie jeebies for a bit.

These are the latest kampground pics.  Really nice place.  Mini golf and fitness room are not usual.  KOA's all have little Kabins for rent.  Just one room with bunks and a microwave but a nice option.

The beginning of cacti area and juniper trees (gin anyone?).

Sunset after an afternoon shower.
Just a couple observations, Colorado is full of bikers.  Everywhere we have gone there have been people pedaling, even up the mountain roads.  Only place where recycling has been an option and our campground in the Rockies had dual flush toilets. It is so good to be able to walk around and not gasp for air.  We are ready for some flat lands. We drove 3610 miles West and are now officially on our way home.  We are headed South.  Didn't bother to unhook the truck, only staying overnight.  On to Las Vegas, NM.  See you there.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

more pics

These were up at the 12000 plus elevations today.  Definite a chore to breath up there, just walking around had us breathing heavy.

The one on the left looks down in the valley.  The road way is very steep, narrow and winding.  Many hairpin turns and no guard rails.  I would hate to be afraid of heights.  We stopped at a visitors center and saw many people battling altitude sickness.  We were a little better off having been in the area for a week.

 Bouncy walkway that over hung a huge drop off, elk at the bottom.

Melting is making the streams run pretty good.  Trout pond on right, catch and release.

Leaving the mountains in the morning.  I think we are both over the elevation, tired all the time.  Heading South...

Rocky Mountain National Park

Just some pics at the higher elevations of the Rockies.

 Elk were all over the place today.  We could get pretty close to these ones.  Us on the tundra with the elk behind us.

 Flowers on the tundra.

 Snow field, still pretty deep in places.  The little sign on the right pic warns to stay off.