Saturday, July 30, 2011

College Park, MD

 We are staying at the Cherry Hill Park.  We have a great lot on the end with a patio area for the picnic table and a fire pit in the trees behind the trailer.  The place is huge, our site number is 1221.  There are over 1700 sites.

 One of the two available pools.  There is a sauna and hot tub also.  On right is the Star Cafe.  It has a pretty extensive menu.

 Conference Center, it has rest rooms, laundry, the cafe, game room.  Information sessions are held here daily about touring DC.  A movie is shown outside behind the center.  There are two ponds on the grounds.

Two playgrounds help keep the kids entertained.  As large as this place is it is well maintained and well run.  A nice treat after the ones of the last week.

The drive today was white knuckled.  Once we hit Virginia the traffic randomly slowed down to almost parking lot slow.  The drivers were just plain bad, a sign would say the lane was closing but they didn't move until they absolutely had to, right at the arrow. If we were in a car it wouldn't have been so bad but when you are 40 feet long it is a whole different ball game.  There is no place like home!

This campground is the closest one to DC.  The bus stops right at the campground to take you to the train station.  We will probably take the truck to the station and take the train so we don't have to worry about parking.

This is the third attemp to post this entry.  The first just disappeared, the second one the pics were all messed up and then wouldn't save, fingers crossed that this is the one that will work.  Lots of pics tomorrow, see you then.

Enfield/Rocky Mt, NC

 A long but uneventful drive today.  Took mostly back roads so there was plenty to look at for a change.  This was a lovely campground but the two people running it were a bit strange.  I think they might have been brother and sister but not sure.

Pics of the grounds and pool.  The tree bottom left was full of butterflies, very neat.

When checking us in the young man never looked at us and was glued to the TV (cartoons).  When out walking we stopped into the rest room and the ladies room door was locked from the inside.  The young woman was in there and had just finished showering.  The only restroom on the place and she locks the door.  Owen had the same thing happen this morning with the young man.  The Internet was free for two hours so we purchased 8 hours for both of us.  Mine worked fine but when we tried to fire up the lap top we discovered the router had been shut off.  My 8 hours continued to be used up even though I couldn't use it and Owen's never worked even in the morning. So happy we had reserved for just one night.  We were happy to leave in the morning.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fort Mill, SC

Not a very exciting day as you can see by the picture.  Owen changed the tire on the camper and greased the axles.  I changed the bedding and did a load of laundry.  Of course the washer I chose stopped working which meant a walk to find someone to fix it.  When I got back I just had to push a button to restart it.  That made the washing take much longer than it should have.  Put the clothes in the dryer, wouldn't take the money.  Tried another, money was jammed in the slot but the third time was the charm.  We planned out our next week or so with an extended stay in Maryland to visit DC.  We haven't been there for quite some time so we are looking forward to our time there, and then it is "Home James".  Still on track for Aug 9 or 10.  A one nighter tomorrow in NC, see you there.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 We went to Carowinds.  It is a huge, 337 acre, "thrill" park.  It has 13 roller coasters.  This is the one we went on, The Hurler.  It is a wooden one and did hurl us around.  Neither of us had ever ridden one before and probably will never do it again.

Another shot of the Hurler.

The huge splash from the flume type ride.  You could stand on the platform you see and get soaked with the splash.

This red roller coaster is called the "Intimidator", it is the longest and tallest in the Southeast.  At its highest point it has a flashing light to warn the planes from the nearby airport.

Another roller coaster.  Not sure which one this is but it had the loops.

On one of those aerial rides, got some good shots of the place.

Carowinds includes a water park and a 12 acre children's area.  All the rides and the water park are included in the admission price.  After 4 the price is cut in half which is when we went.  Not big ride people but there was plenty to see to keep us there for over 4 hours.  It has been a really long day.  Not sure what tomorrow will bring but I will let you know.

Nascar Hall of Fame, Charlotte, NC

Nifty building on the way into Charlotte. 
Nascar Hall of Fame

 The cars are on a gradually increasing degree of banking.  Started at 1% and went up to 33%.  Told which track had what banking.
Ricky Craven's car.  He was the first to donate a car to the Hall of Fame.
Some guy kept posing and asking me to take his picture.

 Had to include my favorite driver of all time.  Loved him--Harry not Davey.
Owen did the simulation race and managed to lead a lap but lost to big g.  He had a respectable second place.

Spent the late morning and afternoon here.  The place is on three levels with interactive displays.  You get a "hard card" when you enter and register it then earn points at the stations throughout the site.  The air was so high that I was actually cold inside.  The heat of the day felt nice when we left, at least for a few minutes.  Still very warm, upper 90's but less humid.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Charlotte/Fort Mill KOA SC

What happened to the tire?  The entire thing came off.  It was the tire we bought just before we left.  Ruined the rim.  While I was on the phone with Good Sam road assistance this DOT worker came up to the window and said it would take 45 minutes minimum for them to get to us and he could change the tire for us.  Check out his nifty mat that inflated rather than using a jack.  We were back on our way in record time.  Back tracked to Wal Mart but they didn't have the right size tire so we decided to chance the drive without a spare.  Spent the afternoon tracking down a tire.  Finally found on at a Tractor/Trailer store.  All is well, just need to put the new tire on and use one of the older ones for a spare.

KOA office is a store with it's own gas station.  Also has a bar and a Blimpie.  We are just a few miles from the NC border.

Sites are run of the mill.  We do have trees and a picnic table.  Too bad it is so blazing hot and humid that we will never be able to sit out and enjoy the air.  We are both ready to get out of this humidity.  There is no place like home.  As many places as we have been we still love Maine the best.

Bear Resident Inn, N Augusta, SC

 One of the many marshes we passed on the road.  Most were tidal.  Also crossed quite a few creeks and rivers.  Left the highway and took some smaller back roads.  More to look at, farm land and pasture land.  The corn we saw was either gone by or was dying on the stalk.  It was all brown and dry.  Seth and Stephanie's house.
We parked the camper at the end of the street in the cul de sac.
Nilah "What?"

 Nathan droned out at the tv.
Favorite past time, pulling out the DVD's.  Nathan helps put them away, again.

 Not sure about the hand gesture, Pulp Fiction?
Her means of chasing the cat, she is a mad woman in her walker.

Chilling out after a long day.  Back to work in the morning.

Had a wonderful, though short, visit.  I highly recommend the Bear's Resident Inn.  Thanks Seth and Stephanie.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kingsland, GA

 Another pretty boring ride.  More tree lined highway that did give way to farm land and pasture land for a bit. 
Campground is owned by a couple from Maine.  They lived in Clinton. 

 The office and our usual campsite pic.

The good news is that we finally are heading NORTH!

Will spend tomorrow night at the Bears Residence Inn and then hit the road on Tuesday.  Mostly one night stays but a long one planned for Charlotte, NC and then a longer one in DC. Might not post tomorrow but will for sure the next day. 

Florida, July 23

Just a couple of pics from the road.  Escambia Bay and yet another long causeway.  It was a short day.  We lost an hour when we returned to the Eastern Time Zone.  We spent the night at a campground,the Redneck Riviera as Owen said.  Could definitely hear the banjos.  I think it was a lovely place at one time but isn't any longer.  Our site was gross, it had charcoal briquets all over and under the picnic table, trash in the fire pit (including a piece of old carpet) and trash on the ground.  We didn't venture far and didn't bother with pictures.  The WiFi was a hot spot in the game room.  The owner, an old man, told us he couldn't get on the Internet.  We did get on but it was very slow and not too much loaded.  Gave up.

We traveled along a tree lined highway, boring, nothing to look at plus it rained off and on most of the way.  The rain is no help, it cools the air for a little while but does nothing for the humidity.  On to Georgia in the morning.