Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dawson City, Yukon Territory

On the ferry, the Yukon River and the ferry at the landing right center of picture.

Some of the mess in the trailer and after it was cleaned up and put back in order.

We made it to Dawson City at 8 pm. We did lose an hour when we crossed the border so we are only three hours behind you again. To get to Dawson you have to take a ferry across the Yukon River. The ferry is free and runs 24 hours a day as long as there is someone needing to cross. When we went it held two RVs and two cars. It only takes a few minutes to cross. We will post campground pictures tomorrow. After we unhooked and repaired the trailer had dinner it was close to 10. The trailer got trashed on the wonderful washboard roads that passes for a highway. I have a before and after picture. We also had a near disaster. The tv was hanging by one loose screw when we arrived. The other screw, nut and washer had worked itself out. Can't imagine what condition things would have been in without the weight stabilizer bar.

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