Friday, August 5, 2011

Bushkill Falls

 Today was still a bit humid.  Started off foggy but cleared off nicely.  We started the day at this small Indian Museum.  All of the artifacts here were found in the local area.  Much nicer than the DC museum.
This was just a small part of the artifacts.  The museum was spread over six rooms.
We left there and then went to Bushkill Falls.

 This is Bushkill falls and the stairwell going down to it.  We did go down these but up others.

 Another view of the falls.  There were scenic lookouts at the top and bottom of the falls.
This is the creek (?) we followed when we hiked to the other falls.

 Two views of Pennell Falls.  A beautiful hike through the woods along the water.  It was so peaceful.

 This is Pine Grove, a representation of the area we hiked through.  There were no boardwalks here, more of what we were expecting.
Cute sign as we were leaving.

Temperatures and humidity went down this afternoon.  Sat outside for quite a while reading.  Tonight we have the door and windows open in the camper, first time in a very long time.  We head to MA in the morning.  Still on track to be in So Portland on Monday.  Edward needs to stay put until then.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Delaware Water Gap--Pocono Mountains

 Slowly heading North.  A couple of nights here in the Poconos.  Office of the latest KOA.
Mini golf course.
 Little train for the kids and the pool.

A couple of views of the trailer.

A short but long trip today.  It was filled with construction delays and many bad drivers.  We now understand road rage.
We drove through miles of corn fields and a couple of good sized cities.  Stayed off 95 but had to deal with lane closures. 
Did a couple loads of laundry, hopefully the last that I will have to pay for, it does get expensive.  We will spend a couple of nights here and then another hop closer to home. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shady Grove Campground

Not a very exciting day.  We pretty much did nothing.  As you can see a certain someone spent a good part of the day lounging in front of the TV. Since our drug of choice is coffee I make sure the pot is scoured out. It was a cloudy day with off and on showers but I managed to stay outside for most of the day.  We skyped with Vivian (and Mary) this morning so that set the day off to a great start.  We planned the remainder of our trip.  Again nothing too exciting for the future.  We will be in Portland by Monday if everything goes as planned.  Raining pretty hard right now.  It has been in the upper 70's all day.  What a nice change for us, it was almost chilly.  We move on in the morning but not too far, we will still be in PA close to where we were when we started this adventure.  See you in Stroudsberg.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shady Grove Campground--Denver, PA

Our favorite place, Wal Mart.  Cupboards were pretty bare so we had to stop.  This one included a parking area for horse and buggies.

Our latest campground.  I keep referring to it as Shady Brook which sounds like a cemetery.  It isn't one and is quite nice. 
The office which is still a work in progress.  They have just become a Good Sam place which is a bonus for us, love that discount.

 It is cool enough to eat dinner outside.  First time the entire trip.  Sad that 88 feels cool.  We are so going to freeze when we get home. 
Shot of the site.

You can see the trailer under the umbrella in the distance.  Nice shot of the pool.
Glad we didn't have to go near the DC bypass today.  There was a five car accident that had two fatals and then a fatal motorcycle, traffic was all backed up.  We headed off in the opposite direction and had a rather pleasant drive.  Did have to deal with Baltimore traffic but after that it was wonderful.  We are going to stay here for two nights and recharge our batteries.  It is very quiet and just what we need after the rat race of DC.  Not sure what if anything we are going to do tomorrow but I will let you know.

Monday, August 1, 2011

DC--day 2

 We thought this was a neat sculpture.
Security line to get into the Air and Space Museum.

IMAX theater, our favorite thing to do.
National Museum of the American Indian, great building design.

 These were outside in the "garden".  I told Owen the garden area looked like patches of overgrown weeds we see on the Rez.  Not very well maintained.  Another shot of the outside of the building.

 View from the dining area, quite scenic.  Food was over priced but good.  Hard for Owen to find something he would eat.  Ended up with a moose burger and fries.  I had an Indian Taco, yum!
View from the upper level of the museum.

Ok, so this is a bit of a stretch but note the Lowan (Lowen) on the sign.  We thought it was close enough for an Injun.
Way too many people at the Air and Space Museum. 

This was actually a double rainbow but the second one really didn't show in the photo.

Another hot day with a bunch of humidity thrown in just for fun.  Close to 100 again so walking around wasn't a lot of fun.  The Indian Museum was a huge disappointment.  The building is beautiful but that is the only good thing about it.  That is all I will say about it. 
Because of the extreme heat we decided to do IMAX movies.  We went to one this morning called Legends of Flight 3D.  Excellent movie about the development of a new airplane.  We returned this afternoon to see Hubble 3D.  Another great movie. 
Made it onto the Metro under very threatening skies.  It was jammed packed, rush hour.  I had a woman sit beside me that was having some real issues.  Not sure if she were high or ill but she was out of it, kept almost falling out of the seat.  She was pretty pathetic, she was still at the station when we left.  We arrived at our station to a huge thunder storm that included good sized hail and lots of lightening.  Got a bit wet running from the platform to the escalator into the station and then waited out the storm.  Driving from the station was crazy because many of the street lights were out.  Traffic was all backed up.  There was a tree down on the street the campground is on, still thundering out right now.  Hope it clears the air.
We have now had our fill of people for a while and are ready to move on and enjoy a little solitude.  We head out in the morning and will slowly make our way home.  Can't wait to see Vivian, we do miss her.  See you in PA.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

DC--day 1

 Holocaust Museum main entrance and the stair case inside.

 Holocaust Museum back entrance.
Washington Monument, tickets were gone for the day so we didn't get inside.  Sign said to get there two hours before it opened (6:30am) to get tickets.  I don't think we will be doing that.

National Archives Building.  This is where we got off the Metro.
Thought this gate was neat, it is at the Federal Trade Commission Building.

We tried to get into the Newseum but it closed at 5.  We got there around 4:40.  Ticket was good for tomorrow but we weren't sure we would get back there again. Every building has security.  All bags are checked and everybody goes through the little scanner like at the airport.  Sort of a pain but I guess necessary.

We had no trouble getting ourselves into DC.  The Metro station is handy and there is no parking fee on the weekends.  We will have to pay for parking tomorrow.  We bought our round trip tickets at the campground.  It is about a half hour trip into DC.  We spent most of our time walking or at the Holocaust Museum.  We didn't get inside the last time we were here so it was high on our list this time.  An amazing place but if it is all new to you it would be info overload.  We had hoped to do the Native Museum also but there just isn't enough time.  We will do that tomorrow and probably not much else.  We are going to try for an IMAX movie but we have seen most of the ones being offered. 
The worst part of the day was the heat.  Instead of the low 90's it was 99 for most of the time we were there.  Way to hot but not too humid.  It is supposed to be a bit more humid tomorrow, we can hardly wait.  Lots of water and ducking into buildings.  Until tomorrow...