Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pioneer Park

Dang, pictures are in backwards. Smoke advancing and overtaking the blue skies. A steam wheeler being restored and a couple of pics of the streets in the Park.

Today we spent the day at Pioneer Park in Fairbanks. It is definitely a park but it also contains museums and many buildings original to the area that have been moved to the park. Most have placards telling the original site of the building. Today the locals celebrated Golden Days aka Founders Day at the park. Lots of games for all ages such as pie eating and sawing logs using a two handle saw. Entertainment such a dog and owner look alike contest, bands, dancers and a car show. It started out as a beautiful day but the fires are in the area and the wind shifted so the smoke came and blotted out the sun. Picture a really really big camp fire. That is what it smells like and there was some ash floating around. It is very thick today and makes the throat dry and the eyes water. We ate dinner at the Salmon Bake which is located at the Park. It is a bit pricey but the food was excellent. It is a buffet that features salmon, halibut, cod and prime rib. It also has a salad bar and dessert bar. You could eat outside at picnic tables or inside in a dining hall. It was a fun day even with a bit of house work thrown in for good measure.

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