Friday, July 24, 2009

Fairbanks, AK

Forget-me-nots, the Alaskan state flower, on the dock. Boat we were on.

Robin, an Athabascan Native, modeling a parka made of skins, it was gorgeous! She is in her final year of nursing and does this in the summer to stay in touch with her heritage.

One of the Boucher sled dogs.

Granite was the lead dog of Susan Boucher for all of her Iditarod wins. He was the runt of the litter and nobody thought he would amount to anything except Susan. He was mauled by a moose during a race and Susan Scratched. He also was very ill and damaged his heart. The vets all said he would never race again, but did and won the race four times. The first during a blinding snow storm when Susan's life and the lives of the entire team depended on Granite leading them along the trail. He lived to be 17.

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