Friday, July 17, 2009

Art work

A mask, they all tell a story and are worn during a dance and were usually destroyed after being used once. Now they are works of art. This is one of several 3-D art pieces. He's a nifty caribou.

A section of a display case filled with bead work items.

Just a very small peek at some very neat baskets. Again so different from ours but still so beautiful. Some are made with baleen which are very dark.

I don't usually like dolls, they sort of creep me out but these were so incredible. The faces were just so unique and not the least bit creepy to me. Again just a very small section of a large display case.

It was so hard to pick pictures. We took so many that are just amazing. I love the close up of a couple of the dolls and I love all of the masks. Lots of tiny little scrimshaw in small cases along the stair wells. It is like a museum when you walk around the hospital.

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