Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July

Busy day today, started with a visit across from our trailer of a young elk.  Then we went to this church for a pancake breakfast.

We met Jean and Liane there.  After breakfast we checked out the church which is built into the side of a hill and is very beautiful.

There was a car show in town.  Just a representation of what was there and a GTO for Patrick.  This was a 1965, we think his was older.

This clock is on the other end of town.  It has four sides with each representing a season.  On the hour the upper panel open and it plays a song.  Couldn't make out what it was because of the crowds.

Not sure what the water is but it goes all through town and is very high.  It is just below the bottom of the bridges and is "taped" off in places.  We then went to this little store to get a pie for the fire works.  Liane and Jean came over to watch.  We had the perfect view. Our campground is right across the street from where they were set off.  We walked a bit into the street and had an unobscured view.  The fireworks lasted about a half hour.  We also had a party in a house just outside the campground that had a live band so we had entertainment all evening.

We also spent a bit of time planning our route home.  We will go South then East.  Still have a couple of days so another day in the National Park.  Until tomorrow.....

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