Saturday, July 9, 2011

Living Desert Zoo & Gardens State Park

 Today was another very warm day.  We went to this state park fairly early in the morning.  By noon time it was 100 degrees.  The panoramic is of the surrounding area of the park.  It sits on top of a chill and overlooks the town of Carlsbad.
 These are the bats leaving Carlsbad Caverns.  It is just a picture of a picture because you cannot take pictures of the real thing.  The noises confuse the bats so there is no photography allowed.  On the right, prong horn deer.

 Bison and another deer letting us know what he thought of us.  A lone house on top of the hill.

 Another view of the town from up high.  There were other animals but most were hidden in the bushes or a corner of their habitat.  Lots of snakes in glass enclosures (Owen's favorite ), wolves, prairie dogs, a variety of cats that were hiding when we were there, and many different birds.  All of the animals here are found in the Chihuahuan Desert.  It is sort of like the Gray Animal Farm in that the animals are here to rehab or are unable to survive in the wild.  All of the plants were labeled along the trail but I will never remember what they are called.  After we left here we went to our favorite home away from home Wal Mart to buy food.  To the caverns tomorrow, see you there.

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