Saturday, July 16, 2011

Johnson Space Center

 Today started off rainy so we got off to a slow start.  We arrived at the space center around 11 and stayed until it closed at 7.  Didn't see everything.  First two pics are at the entrance.

To do a tram tour you had to have your picture taken, this is ours.  Actual control center used until the 80's.  It was stored at the Smithsonian and then brought back.

 The oak trees are in memory of the Challenger Astronauts.  Each tour stops for a few minutes of silence here.  Rocket at Rocket Park.  I think it was a Saturn but not sure.

Model of the International Space Station. The last pictures are all taken at the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility.  This is where the astronauts train using actual parts of the shuttle or mockups of them.  The bottom two are of the Endeavor.

 The place was insane.  Jammed packed with people.  Many India Indians I think they out numbered any other nationality.  We did manage to get most of the available attractions in but didn't get to see a lot of the displays.  Security is unbelievable.  You are checked at the door, purses and any bags are searched.  Owen had his little pocket knife held at security while we were there.  We went on two tram tours, both had even more security.  Again purses and bags were searched and like an airport we had to go through a scanner.  It was cumbersome and wasted way too much time.  The theme of the day was hurry up and wait.  For the most part the wait was rewarded by the attraction.  For now we are totally over people.  By the end of the day most kids were crying and whiny and needed to just go home to bed. Parents seemed to just tune them out and let them run amok. Much of the info was way over the kids heads but there was plenty of other things to entertain them.  Onward to Louisiana in the morning.

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