Monday, July 11, 2011

Fort Stockton, TX

 An uneventful drive over miles of straight highway with rolling hills.  This will be a short day for us since we are back in Central Time Zone.  A couple of pics from the road and one of an oil derrick.  Many pumps and oil rigs along the road.

Stopped at a little Western Museum in Pecos.  It was an old saloon with plackards marking the place where two people died during a shoot out and you could see bullet holes in the door frame.  Amazing what was in this place.
This is one of many pieces of "art" that is made out of arrow heads.  There had to be thousands of arrow heads among other artifacts.  On the right is an old cupboard that included a flour bin with a built in sifter.  Put this because I remember there being on in my Mom's old house.  Don't know what ever happeded to it but it did bring back memories.

The trailer was just a bit warm when we parked.  Top number is the outside the bottom two are inside temps and humidity.  The lady that checked us in said it wouldn't rain and that it hadn't rained in a year.  Just so you can see the puddles from that rain that didn't fall.  Most of it has already sucked into the ground.

Just a couple pics of the rainbow during the storm.  It was huge.  No campground pics due to the rain.  Another place with very limited Internet and no tv stations.  Only here tonight then onward in the morning.  We'll be heading East!

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