Saturday, June 20, 2009

Boise, ID

Mountain View RV Park

Whoville !?

Made it to Boise! It rained off and on all day--Indian car wash;-0 The terrain was "humpy bumpy" mountains in Utah. Just sort of little mountains with red earth covered with green grass. Pretty but very different from all of the other mountains we have seen. Again lost on Owen who is red/green color blind. Once in Idaho the terrain changed again. Acres of farm land, fields as far as the eye could see. Lots of irrigation going on even with the light rain. Many signs for dust storm areas. We crossed the Snake River, two or three times actually. I keep forgetting to mention that the speed limit has been 75mph with stretches in UT that were 80! Carole you would be in heaven;-) We haven't had any tolls since we left MA. The roads are in pretty good shape, it does vary but most are good. Road construction every where. Not many pictures today. Camp site pictures and one of "Whoville", at least that is what it looked like to me when we drove by it. Didn't see Cindy Loohoo or the Grinch but it isn't Christmas time either. We'll be here over the weekend then off to OR on Monday. Sunset tonight is at 9:30pm. Hard to adjust for us Easterners. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads.

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