Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Orleans River Walk

 We braved the insane traffic and went downtown today. 
Walkway to the River Walk.
View of the Mississippi from walkway.
Another view of the River.
Went to the Aquarium and an IMAX movie.

 Walkway along the River.
Jean Lafitte National Historic Park in the French Quarter, had to get a stamp for my passport.

Views of Bourbon Street.  Pretty quiet during the day.

 Jazz Park.
Lunch, Owen had a beef po' boy and fries and I had red beans and rice soup and sausage.

Coffee and biegnets before heading back to the kampground.

Long day today but lots of fun.  It was still pretty warm and humid.  When we get back to 70's we are going to freeze.  We walked just shy of 6 miles.  There is just so much to see and do I'm pretty sure we will leave and not have seen a fraction.  Did some laundry tonight and booked tours for the next couple of days.  We will take the shuttle bus into town for those.  Another long day so to bed early.

1 comment:

Carl said...

If you have time ... do the airboat tour of the swamp!