Sunday, June 26, 2011

WaKeeney, Kansas

Not too much to report today.  First pic is a panoramic of the campground looking at our camper.  Feature of our new camera so you might be seeing more of those.  The next pics tell the tale of the heat here in Kansas.  It was 106 outside this afternoon.  Owen stayed in the AC watching a race and I stayed in the pool for the afternoon. We have had a really nice day today doing absolutely nothing.  We had pancakes at the office this morning then planned our next stop.  Didn't even do laundry, funny it is still waiting for me and the world hasn't ended.  We still have some clean clothes so no rush.

These were off the TV around 7, the temp right now is a balmy 91.  We will be in Colorado tomorrow, a new time zone to get used to so our posts will be coming to you Mountain time which is two hours earlier than Eastern.  We'll be going up, up up, almost 5400 feet.  Until then....


SaraPA said...

But it's a *dry* heat right? *grin*

Carl said...

Yeah a dry heat ... like in an oven.