Sunday, June 28, 2009

A reminder

Friends and family, It seems some think you have to join the blog to leave a comment, I have it set up that you don't. All you have to do is click on the 'comments' link at the end of any posts and comment away. using anonymous if you wish or signing your name somewhere in the comment. Also don't forget that the pictures are 'Click to enlarge' for your viewing pleasure..Hope to here more comments as we get in to the heart of our journey.

Enjoy! O & JO


Anonymous said...

Was at Panther Pond this weekend, Dan and Fran said to say Hi and was so glad to hear how much fun you are having. Their computer is down so we filled them in on your trip as we've been following you along your way. Take care and we'll comment again soon! Love The Socks

Carl said...

So are you worried that nobody is reading your blog? I check in most every day but I often do it from my phone so it's not so easy to comment.

You should set up a stat meter that tells you who is visiting the blog.

gini said...

Sounds like a great trip.