Saturday, May 30, 2009

On to Oklahoma

Well it's on to oklahoma city, for a few days, I finally parked next to a man that hasn't been to Alaska ! Even the volunteer park ranger at Hot Springs has been there. Not too many out of state plates at the campgrounds, people are only traveling a few states it seems. So have gotten to be the talk of most sites as the ones from Maine, they lay in wait for us to go for our walk to talk to us . I probably could of got a good price for my 'Patriots logo camp chairs' from the guy next to us, he really liked them he said.. The trailer is hauling pretty nice, I weighed it loaded before we left and it was about 100lbs heavy. so I emptied the fresh water tank, and that took care of that. I've got to give credit to Jo-Ann for her expertise at packing it with all the necessities and keeping it light..We been averaging about 12mpg. on relatively level roads, and trying to keep it at 60mph, seems to work best for mileage and handling. Haven't used any E85 ethanol gas yet,as the price diff. isn't worth the chance of the poor performance I think I would get hauling a trailer. Don't want to take a chance of anything fouling up on this leg to alaska, Will try it on the way home probably..Well that's all for's a few more pics..

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