Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yellowstone National Park

Elk, there are actually two, one is hiding behind the tree. The doe and fawns and a distant bison. One actually crossed the road right at a turn out filled with people.

Dragon's Mouth, sort of a Thunder Hole that smells like sulphur.
The mud volcano, a bubbling puddle of mud. Pretty neat area of the park.

We did see some wildlife on our drive today. Elk were plentiful as were bison. We did see a bear but didn't attempt a picture, there were a couple of women and a kid clapping their hands at it from too close a distance to suit me, we kept going. The deer were at the mud volcano area. After taking the picture they started to frolic around, must have been good grass (pun intended :p) Eagles nest on the road into the park with resident eagle.

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