Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the road

Controlled burn at a farm we went by. View of a mountain lake from a scenic viewpoint. Just some mountains.

This was the "high" point of the day. It was mostly 7% grades to get to the top. Slow going with a stop or two to cool off the car and brakes. One of the mountain crests on the way.

We travelled to Buffalo, WY today. Not a long drive but some really steep windy inclines and descents. Again the views were spectacular. Still don't like the canyons through the cliffs but can appreciate the beauty. Signs through the pass gave the period of the rocks we were passing such as Jurassic or Cambrian. It was sort of neat to see how old the rocks/cliffs were as we went up and then came back down. The youngest were 500 years at the top.

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