Monday, August 1, 2011

DC--day 2

 We thought this was a neat sculpture.
Security line to get into the Air and Space Museum.

IMAX theater, our favorite thing to do.
National Museum of the American Indian, great building design.

 These were outside in the "garden".  I told Owen the garden area looked like patches of overgrown weeds we see on the Rez.  Not very well maintained.  Another shot of the outside of the building.

 View from the dining area, quite scenic.  Food was over priced but good.  Hard for Owen to find something he would eat.  Ended up with a moose burger and fries.  I had an Indian Taco, yum!
View from the upper level of the museum.

Ok, so this is a bit of a stretch but note the Lowan (Lowen) on the sign.  We thought it was close enough for an Injun.
Way too many people at the Air and Space Museum. 

This was actually a double rainbow but the second one really didn't show in the photo.

Another hot day with a bunch of humidity thrown in just for fun.  Close to 100 again so walking around wasn't a lot of fun.  The Indian Museum was a huge disappointment.  The building is beautiful but that is the only good thing about it.  That is all I will say about it. 
Because of the extreme heat we decided to do IMAX movies.  We went to one this morning called Legends of Flight 3D.  Excellent movie about the development of a new airplane.  We returned this afternoon to see Hubble 3D.  Another great movie. 
Made it onto the Metro under very threatening skies.  It was jammed packed, rush hour.  I had a woman sit beside me that was having some real issues.  Not sure if she were high or ill but she was out of it, kept almost falling out of the seat.  She was pretty pathetic, she was still at the station when we left.  We arrived at our station to a huge thunder storm that included good sized hail and lots of lightening.  Got a bit wet running from the platform to the escalator into the station and then waited out the storm.  Driving from the station was crazy because many of the street lights were out.  Traffic was all backed up.  There was a tree down on the street the campground is on, still thundering out right now.  Hope it clears the air.
We have now had our fill of people for a while and are ready to move on and enjoy a little solitude.  We head out in the morning and will slowly make our way home.  Can't wait to see Vivian, we do miss her.  See you in PA.

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