Saturday, August 22, 2009

Greenwood, NE

Today we went into Omaha. Got our tire fixed and poked around the mall while we waited. Found a great candy store, all the old fashioned stuff we grew up with. Of course we had to buy some :-) It also had hundreds of PEZ dispensers. Carole, it wasn't as good as "our" five and dime but it had to do. From there we went to Omaha Steaks and bought a few things there were a lot of bargains. Couldn't get too much because the freezer is so small. Then off to Wal Mart to buy groceries. Not a very exciting day but a productive one.


Carl said...

Me likes the boston baked bean thingys.

Carole said...

I'm glad you got to get some old fashioned candy!! We certainly missed you when we went to the 5 & Dime!!