Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watson Lake, Yukon

Note the miles of visible road in the distance.

Downtown in Watson Lake is nothing to brag about. It consists of about 4 stores.

Almost out of the Yukon. We are in Watson Lake which is on the border of British Columbia. Another long ride through miles of sameness to stay another night in another dust bowl this one called Downtown RV. At least we had many lakes to break up the monotony. The RV park isn't much to look at but it is convenient and cheap. Carole, many of the RV parks have vehicle wash areas, for a fee of course ;-) We are hopefully done with the major muddy areas of highway. Today there was one little bridge being repaired and very little rough roads. It was nice to come into the trailer and not have a huge mess to clean up. Again to Carole, the bugs are getting even worse than they have been for quite some time. So when you see those lovely "flying" things in the picture know that the bug gave his life to entertain you :p The only thing here in Watson Lake is the Sign Forest. It is amazing how vast this place is. Tried to pick a picture that showed a bit of how large it is but there is no way to picture it all. We did see some signs from ME, Dixmont and Palmyra come to mind. We are off to Fort Nelson, BC in the morning.

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