Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tok, AK

These first two pictures are of Lake Kluane which is the largest lake in Yukon Territory. This was also the site of our first road construction of the day. Six miles behind a pilot vehicle and road sweepers for an added dose of dust;-)

Next two pictures are at the border. A couple of young girls asked us to take their picture at the sign. They donned black wigs and sun glasses held a sign "Alaska or Bust". They took our picture in exchange. The other sign is the international marker between Canada and USA. The cut out in the back ground is the actual border line between the countries. It goes for miles and is maintained by both countries. It is cut out in sections each year.

This picture shows sand dunes. The sand blew from miles away. There are dunes all along this section of the Alaska Highway. It looks like wet beach sand and is markedly different from the normal terrain.

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