Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Leeds, UT

Note giant aloe plant. View out of the window.

Another travel day another mountain to climb. Today wasn't too bad. Went through a canyon rather than up a mountain. A picture to try to show the walls of the canyon. I prefer the wide open space rather than this closed in canyon. We are at a really nice campground, Leeds RV Park. Lots of trees and grass and we have a picnic table! Went for a nice walk and found a horse pasture with many horses and a colt. Great view out of the window this time. Saw a rental RV with a picture of Portland Head Light on it this morning. It was parked on side of us and it took a few minutes to realize what the picture was. Didn't get to talk to the young family that was in it. Hope to go to Zion National Park tomorrow. Right now the weather prediction is for rain so we will see what happens.

1 comment:

Daryl said...

Hi guys,
I want to thank you for the Plants
they just arrived today and we put
them in the planter. I hope you get
to go to zion as we always wanted
to go there. They say it's an imazing place to see. Well, take care.
Daryl & Wendy