Sunday, June 7, 2009

Farmington, NM

Shiprock and at the Monument.

On the road to Four Corners.

Went off to the Four Corners Monument today. Another hour on the road with lots of mountains and miles of scrub land. We saw a bob cat this morning while getting gas. It was across the street behind a fence so we couldn't get a picture. If it wasn't a bob cat it was the biggest house cat we had ever seen ;-) Many prairie dogs today. They were everywhere. Will post a picture of the one who volunteered to pose for us. Also saw a hawk and two crows at the "roadkill cafe".
The Four Corners wasn't exactly what we expected. It is literally out in the middle of no where, sort of expected that but it is more of a market place. Natives selling wares at very cheap prices. The same stuff selling in town would have been double or even triple what these Natives charged. Had a couple of stands selling "fry bread", some things are universal to all tribes. We talked to many vendors about Maine. One man was fascinated that we lived close to the ocean and a woman went to Foxwood every year for their powwow. A couple of pictures of Shiprock and the high way where the road was visible for miles.


Carl said...

Funny thing is, they put the marker in the wrong spot!

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